Life At Work

Your Employee Personal & Professional Development Program

"A thriving workplace needs a foundation of
empowered, equipped and resourceful individuals..."

Watch the video below!

Are you a business owner
or manager who

  • Wants to create a sustainable and positive workplace culture – full of trust, connection and momentum to potentially increase revenue by up to 17% and reduce turnover by up to 59%?
  • Knows that in order to scale and grow your business, that you need all of your team members truly on the ‘same page’ with the same level of care, commitment and passion as you?
  • Wants to equip your team members with the essential tools and resources to not just be good at their job, but to be great at bringing the company’s vision to life and rock your customers’ worlds?
  • Understands the importance of personal performance, self empowerment and positive workplace behaviour; and how that effects the ‘bottom line?’

Increase Performance

Increase levels of productivity and performance through raising an individual's sense of purpose, belonging, fulfilment and mindfulness regardless of what they're doing.

Increase Engagement

Increase levels of inspiration and motivation, care and integrity, trust and commitment through the power of education and ongoing development.

Increase Retention

Increase employee retention by creating a workplace culture that allows individuals to thrive, grow and know that they matter.

Ready to invest in your most valuable resource?
- Your 'human capital.' Grow your business and workplace by growing your people.

User-friendly Online Training Platform.

Personal and professional development and training is often hard to fit into the daily whirlwinds and operations of running a business, which is exactly why most businesses rarely spend time on training to raise the quality of workplace performance, engagement and moral. That’s why we’ve created a simple, effective and easy to use online training platform for your employees to access all of their personal and professional training needs.

Manage and Track Performance Easily.

Tracking performance in the workplace can be a difficult and chaotic task to monitor and manage. We get that when it comes to navigating the world of ‘people,’ workplace performance and behaviour, it can be a confusing and messy field to get a handle on; that’s why we’ve taken the guess work out of it and done it all for you! Comprehensive and easy to understand qualitative and quantitative tracking documents are included. All you have to do is follow the processes and implement the systems to witness your business and workplace performance skyrocket! 

Powerful and Engaging Approach.

Workplace training programs from an employee perspective have gained a boring reputation over past years, having employees disconnect, lack commitment and care for what company programs encourage. Objective Consulting understands the importance of having employee personal ‘buy in’ with intrinsic motivators to ensure all employees who participate, follow through with underlying passion and genuine dedication. The Life At Work program is structured to create optimal connection, belonging and alignment amongst an organisation. 

Why this matters...

20% of an annual mid-range salary position (30-50k) is lost in replacement costs due exceeding turnover rates.
Having a high talent culture can lead to an increase of 33% in revenue.
HIghly engaged business units can see a 59% reduction in turnover.
Highly engaged business units can see a 41% reduction in absenteeism.
Highly engaged workplaces can see a 17% increase in productivity.
Only 13% of employees globally are committed to their jobs.

What's covered in the training program?

6 core units vital for your workplace. Equipping your employees with high-performance essentials for ultimate workplace sustainability and growth...

Finding Purpose At Work

It's never the task we do, its who we choose to be when we're doing it.

Personal Performance

Stress was never the product of your environment, it is the product of you.

Handling Workplace Conflict

It was never personal. The path of objectivity and least resistance awaits.

Working With Others

Cultivating trust, unison and connection builds momentum. This will solve 80% of your workplace problems.

Workplace Excellence

The workplace culture is only as good as what is avoided, left out and neglected.

The Customer Experience

It's not just about getting paid, it's about delivering happiness to the customer and rocking their world!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why this training program matters?

With only 13% of employees globally, committed to their jobs, and knowing that highly engaged workplaces can increase company revenue by up to 33% and reduce turnover rate by up to 59%, it’s a ‘no brainer’ for companies to start finding ways to increase positive workplace behaviour.

How do I know my workplace needs this?

If you’re a business owner, leader or manager that can see room for more growth, inspiration and purpose within your workplace, then this is a powerful step in the right direction. 

This course is for you and your business or workplace…

-If you as a business owner, leader, entrepreneur or manager feels like you could be getting far more out of your team.
-If you want a culture where everyone treats the business or workplace like it’s their own.
-If there is a sense of disconnection between you, your team members and a lack of alignment and congruency towards the common goal.
-If there seems to be a collective ‘clock-watching’ mentality or attitude lingering.
-If you feel like there is a lack of creative contribution.
-If you are wanting to bring a ‘buzz’ and self-perpetuating momentum to the workplace. 
-If you know there is an engagement and commitment problem.
-If your team isn’t upholding the values and standards that the company believes in and stands for. 
-If turnover rates are too high and people seem to leave with little to no resignation notice. 
-If team members don’t show up on time or have a poor attendance rate. 
-If team members have turned out far less driven and willing in comparison to when they first started. 
-If you sense that you team doesn’t look out for one another or champion one another.
-If there is a lack mentality and low to no gratitude and appreciation circulating the workplace. 
-If you feel like your team and workplace could do with some fresh vibes and energy thrown in the mix.
-If you want to inspire team members to see a long-term career with your business and treat it like their home away from home.
-If you as the business owner or leader wants to be able to step back and allow the team to guide and drive the company towards it’s ongoing success so you can focus on other projects and scaling.
-If you as a business owner or entrepreneur want more freedom away from the business while knowing your business is being operated with safe, passionate, integral and trustworthy hands, minds and hearts.
-If you as an employee wants to grow within yourself in the workplace and get the most out of where you spend the majority of your time – at work. 
-If you as an employee who wants to learn how to deal with conflict and stressful situations in effective and powerful ways.

How is the program delivered?

The content is delivered through the power of video presentation, accompanied with a video transcript for people who prefer to read. In addition to this, an activity sheet may be included within a particular module to assist with learning and applying the essential workplace (and Life) principles.


This personal and professional workplace training program runs for approximately 6 months (which can be revisited at any time) with 6 core parts. Within each core part, there is a minimum of 3 modules (18 in total). 

How is the program implemented in the workplace?

The program is implemented whereby each employee is given access to the online training portal, where they will have to watch the short and practical module, prior to the weeks commencement, then implement what the module encourages within the work week ahead.


A ‘Self-Assessment sheet’ will be provided for the employee to fill out and reflect on as the week goes by, in relation to the current module.


The leader or manager of the workplace will be given a ‘Team Assessment Sheet’ to fill out and reflect on, in relation to the current module.


At the end of the week, the workplace leader or manager will designate a day and time to have a structured and effective workplace group discussion in relation to what the module is encouraging.

Where is the program material sourced from?

The material has been procured and refined over 7 years of personal, professional and academic ongoing development. The breadth of knowledge spans from ancient and esoteric principles, through to cutting edge thinking of the modern world. Objective Consulting’s founder Brad Semmens, has invested tens of thousands of dollars into his own personal and professional education and development. Brad has read hundreds of books, listened to 1000’s of hours of audiotapes, has workplace career experience in a wide variety of industries, and has worked with some of the worlds best mentors, coaches and change agents. So you can rest assured,  knowing that the content you expose your workforce to is of the highest quality. 

What results can a workplace expect to see?

The results of this program will differ in each organisation. The main determining factor is not how well the program works, it’s about how well the program is worked. The program contains frameworks, strategies, resources and education that has benefited the lives of millions of people all over the world, so it’s not solely about the ‘resources’ themselves, but the resourcefulness of those participating.


More specifically, if the program is implemented in it’s entirety, a workplace may typically see an increase in employee engagement, employee job satisfaction, fulfilment and sense of purpose. In addition, an increase in employee retention and a decrease in employee turnover may also be experienced. Moreover, an organisation can expect to see an increase in productivity and profit as the direct by-product of employees growing and developing beyond just their ability to do a task. 

What is the financial investment?

The costs of this essential workplace training program is determined by multiple factors. One of these factors is how big the organisation is. 

What else will it give my organisation?

The ‘Life At Work’ training program will give you the following: 

-You as a business owner, leader, entrepreneur or manager will get far more engagement, performance and passion out of your team.
-A workplace culture where everyone treats the business or workplace like it’s their own.
-A deeper sense of connection between you and your team members with robust alignment and congruency towards the common goals of the business and or workplace.
-A collective mentality where ‘clock-watching’ and ‘window gazing’ is rejected and no longer supported. 
-A team that offers ongoing creative contribution that shares ideas and feedback that will make a difference.
-A workplace with a ‘buzz’ and self-perpetuating momentum and passion because it was never about what we do, how how we choose to show up when we’re doing it.  
-Increased levels of engagement and commitment.
-A team that upholds the values and standards that the company believes in and stands for. 
-A decrease in the turnover rate and more notice and care given from those that intend to resign.  
-An increase in attendance rates by all team members and better standards around time productivity.
-Team members continuing to evolve and grow, becoming better and more effective as each day goes by, instead of complacent and more relaxed. 
-A team that encourages and backs one another no matter what. 
-A team that has a collective attitude for gratitude and appreciation, forever circulating the workplace. 
-Fresh vibes and energy in the workplace.
-Team members that intend to have a long-term career with your business or in your workplace and treat it like their home away from home.
-The to step back and allow the team to guide and drive the company or workplace towards it’s ongoing success so you can focus on other projects and scalability.
-More time freedom as a business owner or entrepreneur from your business while knowing it’s being operated with safe, passionate, integral and trustworthy hands, minds and hearts.

Anything else you can share?

Are you a business owner, leader or manager that takes care of teams of people in the workplace? Do you often wonder how you can create more fulfilment, happiness and drive within your team or within yourself?

A global problem that we’ve created for ourselves over the generations is the idea that work is… just ‘work’ and it doesn’t seem to get much better than that for many individuals. Almost every workplace that we’ve immersed ourselves in carries this illusive idea that work and life are two separate things. 

This is a major problem and I wonder if you can personally relate? Let me explain, many employees seem to ‘switch off’ when they get to work and then ‘switch on’ when they finish work. Yet the critical understanding that is being ignorantly left out here is that life follows you everywhere you go. It’s never what you do or where you go that makes life extraordinary, sure, that helps but it’s more to do with how you show up and who you choose to be in whatever moment you find yourself in.  

If you’re someone who spends 40 or more hours a week in the workplace, then that is 40 precious hours for you to bring more magic into your life and the lives of others. 

Your workplace isn’t just some place you go to earn a dollar or stay comfortable, it’s a space in which you have the opportunity to grow as a person, discover more about yourself and others, and deliver greatness to the world around you.

This program will equip you with key life lessons, ideas and resources to help you cultivate more passion and purpose not just in the workplace, but within your personal life. It will also give you the tools to develop a deeper sense of meaning, peace and happiness no matter where you are. 

Without this program, you may continue to tolerate and settle for poor standards in the workplace, which only perpetuates further workplace stagnation and inefficiency, low attendance and engagement, higher employee turnover and subpar customer experiences.

‘Life At Work’ is a one of a kind employee empowerment program ready to be integrated into your workplace and personal life to accelerate your workplace or business success.

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